Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum - Historic Places Days

Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum

Victoria, British Columbia
Maison-musée / Propriété familiale
1490 Fairfield Road Victoria BC
Saturdays 10:00 to 2:00
250 598-1803

Built in Victoria BC in 1865, Ross Bay Villa was home to Frances Roscoe and his family.  Roscoe was a Member of Parliament.  Ross Bay Villa survived relatively intact when a developer applied for a demolition permit in 1999.  A group of heritage advocates, recognizing that the house was one of a very few surviving properties from the 1860’s, successfully moved to secure the property from the wrecking ball.  Dedicated volunteers began conserving, preserving, and restoring the property to the highest scholastic standards.  When the future of the property was again at risk, title of the property was transferred to the non-profit Ross Bay Villa Society after raising sufficient funds to pay the mortgage on the property.  The volunteer based Society now owns and operates the Ross Bay Villa Historic House Museum with dedicated volunteers who have contributed thousands of hours over the past 19 years to restore the Villa to the 1860’s period.   The Villa is open to the public on Saturdays at 2:00 for guided house tours.


  • Familles bienvenues
  • Visite guidée


1490 Fairfield Road Victoria BC

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